Corvil Classic

Used by the world’s financial markets to assure the speed, transparency and operations of their business.

The on-prem, self-managed deployment of Corvil Analytics

Intelligence Hub

The Intelligence Hub is a real-time trade analytics solution that models and correlates client trading behavior, plant performance and venue counterparty execution to enable proactive business management and operations.

Corvil Connectors

Corvil is an open data system providing API access to all analytics, trading and market data messages and the underlying packets. The Streaming Data API supports a growing library of Corvil Connectors enabling streaming Corvil data directly from the network packets into your chosen big data solution.

Corvil Analytic Plug-ins

500+ Analytic Plug-ins that decode packet payload and enrich with reference data and analytics to drive real-time Corvil dashboards and data integration streams.

Additionally, Corvil enables customers to develop their own Analytics Plug-In for custom applications with the Corvil SDK.

Modular Software Components

Corvil modular software components enable customers to invest as required covering high speed Network Capture, real-time Network Analytics and layer 7 Application Analytics.

Corvil Center

Corvil Center provides a single point of access to all analytics and reporting with a couple of clicks to visualize any of the petabytes of granular packet data captured by Corvil.


Corvil Instrumentation offers superior price/performance packet analysis and capture Appliances, software defined packet sniffers (Corvil Sensor) to extend the reach to virtual and cloud environments, and the Corvil AppAgent for internal multi-hop software instrumentation.

The Benefits of Corvil Classic

Multiple teams within financial organizations leverage Corvil Classic every day including Network Operations, Trade Infrastructure Support, Client Support, Venue Connectivity, Voice Operations and the Head of Business.

Corvil Analytics provides solutions for all types of financial organizations including:

Allows investment only as required offering options from high speed packet capture all the way up to business intelligence with machine learning anomaly detection.

Enables full customization of the analytics for proprietary applications and easy instrumentation within on-prem/CoLo areas of the network.

Become Certified

Corvil Certified Expert in Electronic Trading (CCE)

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